Saturday, October 11, 2014

Come Visit and Get Goodies

This sight was designed to act as a catalyst to the Internet world for us to try and get our book out. So, we had business cards, magnets, t-shirts and other things made so we can give them away to people. Each of these items refer to this site to promote our book. Well, as it turns out, we decided to spend a little money and make a real site.

 So, now, this site at is the first step. We are in the process of creating an author/writer’s site, where more information about this (and upcoming) books will be expanded upon. 

As The Writer’s Cage grows, registered members will have the opportunity to learn more about the characters, see what we are doing to write a book (good or bad), and win cool gifts (did I mention that already?).

So, stop on by. Remember that these sites and the book are still under construction. Feel free to tell us what you think: “Yeah, this looks like this book is gonna rock!” or “You guys suck!” Doesn’t matter to us, but if you think it sucks, it would be nice to tell us why so we decide if we want to fix it.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Teaser 1

This is the first excerpt from the book. Keep in mind that this is a rough draft. We are planning on going rather quickly through the writing of this book, but, unfortunately, real life gets in the way. So, here is the first chapter of the book.

26 years ago -
Gabriel gasped for air but his lungs only received icy water. He tried again, but there was no air remaining to inhale and – despite the freezing water – his chest felt on fire. Panic overwhelmed him and Gabriel could feel his lungs starting to explode.
            His eyes closed sharply from the icy daggers that seemed to penetrate his chest. His arms and legs struck out at the water trying to grasp or strike anything within distance, but found nothing. The incessant flailing did not help, but he could not help from doing it. He felt as though he was having an uncontrollable seizure.
The seizing stopped as the extra weight of the oversized jersey started to pull him down, clinging tighter to his body and enveloping him. Dread filled his mind as the icy surface above floated away from him.
The cool-blue colored water and the white underneath of the frozen lake he found himself under started to darken. He knew what this meant; no more hockey games, no more pizza, and no possible chance of asking Suzanne out on a date. He was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. Where are the other kids? Where is Jacob? Why isn’t someone trying to help me?
            His mind swirled and a strange dizziness took over. Images flew in and out of his thoughts. These ‘thoughts’ embracing him closely like his mother did when he was a child. The difference was these delusional images, although embracing him, did not caress him, like his mother once had. They were more like tentacles that wrapped around his mind and suffocated him, stopping him from any rational thought. He had heard that one’s life would flash before their eyes right before they died. Where was this mental video that should be playing?           
            Memories of old friends, family and even Rufus, grandma’s seventy-five pound basset hound, flooded his psyche. The instant intake of images and recollections caused a fire within his brain that hurt as bad as the fire in his lungs. The fire continued to grow. The burning crept from his brain and chest and moved outwards to other parts of his body. He knew he was drowning, but he never thought it could be this painful. Drowning was supposed to be a peaceful way to die.  When does it become peaceful!
            Surprisingly, the coolness of the water no longer fazed him. All he felt now was the inner heat that burned inside him; an internal furnace that was constantly being fed and had no intention of getting smaller. Getting hotter and hotter the furnace was nearing its boiling point and was going to blow.
            The pain throughout his body continued to grow and the intensity it brought with it started to cause his brain to shut down. The pain diminished greatly and a febrile calm flashed through him.
            Ahh… here comes the peace.” His body went limp. “Now I can die.”       

What's It About

Gabriel Blackstone is a successful architect living in Boston. He has it all; a large condo, successful business and people to yell at when the mood strikes him. He stays away from relationships and family, and has placed his life into never-ending cycle of repetition. Lately, things have been happening. Strange voices appear on his answering machine, an old friend seems to physically change right before his eyes, and those shadows keep appearing. Gabriel is convinced he is losing his mind, but his hidden fear, is if he isn’t.

Amelie Fox works at a crappy diner at night, goes to school during the day, and when there’s time, she works part time at an art studio. Her busy life is unorganized and she wishes she could just have a chance to breathe. Then the strange boy shows up at her work, her art starts to come alive, and the shadow dreams haunt her during the day. She is sick of the rainy Northwest weather and wants to go somewhere quiet and get away from everything.

When the two meet, it seems that things are starting to look up for both of them, but the longer they are together the darker the shadows become, and soon, very soon, the darkness consumes.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Hello and thank you for visiting the official A Soul Divided web page. You may be wondering what this is all about. Well, we decided that it would fun to create a webpage dedicated to our upcoming book, A Soul Divided. This will be our first book, and we decided to try and get an interested reader base before the book was finished. So, we are putting together this site to share the process as we create. You can come here and see what's new with the book, get some author insight as it is created, and we will be be giving away gifts now-and-again to our readers.

This is obviously the first posting for the site. At this point we have in place the beginning and ending of the book. We have several ideas for filler and a few ideas we may end up throwing away (not everything will make it through the editing process). We have outlined the first twenty-seven chapters and the first twelve are already written.

We have some character outlines that we will later place on the site for people to see and we will be posting excerpts from the book to let you all see what our writing style is like, and if the story interests you.

Well, this is it for the first post. The second post will give a brief description about what the book is about. Oh yeah, and please don't judge our writing style from the website. It is a late-night-I-can-hardly-keep-my-eyes-open venture right now. So there are probably typos and probably some areas that may not make sense.

Feel free to contact us anytime.